March 4, 2014

Breakfast Power Smoothie

I have to "show and tell" about my new kitchen toy.  I wanted a Vitamix blender for a while.  As much as I love my kitchen toys, I can't justify paying so much for a blender.  I recently bought the Wolfgang Puck High Performance Commercial Blender, and it has been the best commercial grade blender that I have tried for a fraction of the Vitamix cost!  From my experiences using the Vitamix blender at my parents' house, I feel that the Wolfgang Puck blender is equal in quality and performance to the Vitamix.  Most Vitamix blenders motor have a peak horsepower of 2 or 2.2, and the Wolfgang Puck motor is 2.5 horsepower.

With my new toy, I have been making more smoothies!  Can you really go wrong starting the day off with "power ingredients" like banana, raspberries, spinach, almond  butter, lemon, and flax seed?  I think not.

These ingredients really work well together.  Often times, we don't put protein in smoothies, but  adding almond butter helped make the smoothie more filling.  The smoothie left me feeling full until lunch time.  The almond butter is high in calcium and vitamin E, and by adding some fat to the smoothie, you can better absorb all of the nutrients from the other ingredients.  The vitamin C from the raspberries helps you absorb the iron from the spinach, too.  

I like cold smoothies, so I always add frozen fruit.  The frozen banana adds a creaminess to the smoothie, too.  I could not taste the spinach in this smoothie.  

Hope you enjoy this breakfast smoothie soon.

Full Disclosure (because us lawyers love fine print):  This is not a sponsored review.  I did not receive any compensation or free product for publishing this post.  I just wanted to share a great new kitchen product!  

Breakfast Power Smoothie
Yields 2 servings

1 cup water
1 banana, frozen or fresh
1 cup raspberries, frozen or fresh
1/4 cup spinach, fresh
1 tbsp. flaxseed
1 tbsp. almond butter
2 tsp. lemon juice
Ice, if desired

Place all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth.

Source: Dr. Oz show


  1. I think starting the day off with a smoothie like this would make a difference in how much I got done! Congratulations on a nifty new kitchen toy.

  2. Like you I have been wanting a Vitamix for so long, but just can't justify the expense for one more kitchen gadget. I have been doing my best to win one without much luck. This Wolfgang Puck might be a more affordable option. This smoothie looks fantastic.

  3. What a great addition to the kitchen! I splurged last year on a Vitamix, and though it caused a little argument at the time, sous chef now tells everyone it is worth the cost. I wish I had known about the WP version -

  4. A wet beauty Top 10 Best Hand Blender Reviews will give you the highest coverage, as the sponge will not absorb much product. Using your fingers/hands will definitely mean that no product is wasted but the finish will not he very good.

    Depending on the type of foundation, a dry sponge may work well or it might make the foundation apply patchy and dry. A brush will have the same effect; it all the depends on the foundation.

    I prefer applying my foundation with a brush, but that's because I use a very creamy bb cream for foundation (I sometimes skip foundation altogether and only apply concealer with a brush).

    It really all depends on the product. A very runny, watery product is best applied with a wet sponge, a solid cream is best with a dry sponge and a liquid cream is best fit for brushes.

  5. You do not tell about which blender you use for this recipe. Juicer List


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