May 2, 2014

Strawberry and Spinach Smoothie

A green smoothie or juice always gives me a good energy boost.  It's just jam-packed with so many good nutrients for the body.  Drinking the same type of green smoothie or green juice gets old, though.  I've been working on building up my repertoire of green drinks.  For whatever reason, a decent strawberry and spinach smoothie has been the hardest one to master.  The flavor was just always "blaah"--until now.  Greek yogurt and an apple were perfect additions to this smoothie!

The sweetness from the strawberries, banana, and apple is forefront in this smoothie.  The Greek yogurt and the banana also make it taste creamier.  I really like using frozen bananas in smoothies because it adds a cold creaminess, and then extra ice is not needed.  You can't taste the spinach at all, but you know it is there with that green hue.  I prefer to add spinach to smoothies, instead of kale, because spinach is not as bitter as kale.

I hope you enjoy this smoothie next time you are looking for a new green drink.

Strawberry and Spinach Smoothie
Yields 16 oz. (1 large smoothie or 2 smaller ones)

1/2 cup water
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1 apple
8 strawberries
1 frozen banana
1 1/4 cup packed spinach leaves
1 tbsp. chia seeds

Combine all ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth.

Source: A Simply Sweet Justice Original, through trial and error :)


  1. I'll have to pass this recipe on to my son. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get him to eat his spinach.

  2. I received a smoothie maker for Christmas and have been using it quite a bit. Thanks for these recipes and new ideas.

  3. I made so many smoothies for my daughter during her cancer treatment that I sort of got burned out on them. But it's been awhile and I think I'm ready...and this might be a good foray back into the green!

  4. I am a big fan of green smoothies, so this is perfect for me :D
    Especially since strawberries are my favourite!

    Choc Chip Uru

  5. I wouldn't have put strawberries and spinach together in a smoothie but I often add them to my juice. I think I'd love this.

    1. Gee, your 'Morning Warrior' Smoothie added to this Strawberry and Spinach Smoothie - I'll definitely be ready to face the world!

  6. My favorite Top 10 Best Hand Blender Reviews, mixer, & food processor. Perfect for one and priced very nicely. Been using it for over a decade:


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