April 7, 2016

Egg White Oatmeal

This week end, I'm running a half marathon here in Denver.  Last year, I adopted "I run for cupcakes" as my running motto during my half marathon in New York City. :)  Cupcakes make good motivation, don't you think?

I incorporate more carbs into my diet when I am running, which typically means oatmeal for breakfast.  I normally come up with different oatmeal variations and flavor combinations, and egg white oatmeal is my favorite oatmeal to date!

When egg whites are added to oatmeal, it more double the volume of the oatmeal, and it gives it such a fluffy, creamy texture.  Egg whites are low in calories but high in protein, so it is a healthy way to incorporate some lean protein into your breakfast.

 While adding egg whites to oatmeal sound unusual, once the egg whites are incorporated into the oatmeal, there is no egg taste or texture--you just have a big bowl of protein packed oatmeal!  Since there is more protein, this will keep you fuller longer, too!

For sweetness, I add in a ripe mashed banana and some maple syrup, along with some cinnamon and vanilla extract for additional flavor.

This has been a very filling and delicious pre-run breakfast.  Give it a try!

Have a great week end!

Egg White Oatmeal
Yields 1 serving

1/3 cup rolled oats
2/3 cup almond milk, milk, or water
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract or almond extract
1 tsp. maple syrup
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
3 egg whites
1 small ripe banana, mashed
Nuts, dried fruit, berries, as desired

In a small saucepan, add the rolled oats and almond milk (or desired liquid) and heat over medium heat.  Stir, and cook for about 8-10 minutes until the oats begin absorbing more of the almond milk and softening.  When nearly all of the liquid is absorbed, add the banana and stir to incorporate it as evenly as possible into the oatmeal.  Once incorporated, reduce heat to low, and add in the egg whites.   Quickly incorporate the egg whites into the mixture and cook for about another 2-3 minutes until the egg whites are absorbed and the oatmeal mixture is fluffy.  Add the cinnamon, maple syrup, and cinnamon to finish, along with any desired nuts, dried fruit, or berries for a topping.

Source: A Simply Sweet Justice Original


  1. I usually eat oatmeal twice a week, adding some dried cranberries and chia seeds- adding egg whites looks like a good addition- maybe I could then save the yolks to make some cake, or something! Congrats on your half-marathons!

    1. That is a great idea to save the yolks for cake! It always ends up happening that I come up with an idea for the yolks after I've discarded them!


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